Federal Employees need help navigating the complicated issues surround DIVORCE and Federal Benefits.
Can you help them?

We can help connect the dots with Strategy & Best Practices!

When a Federal Employees divorce, did you know Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS)
or Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS) annuity and the Special Retirement Supplement (SRS) refunds can be divided?

Other benefits that can be impacted include:
– Survivor Annuities
– Federal Employees Health Benefits Program
– Federal Employee Group Life Insurance

Alimony and Child Support may also be affected.

Many Federal employees don’t know are don’t think about such issues when going through a divorce, and helping guide them can be an excellent way to build or strengthen a relationship with clients.

With approximately 50% of marriages ending in divorce, you can see that advising 50% of the Federal Workforce presents a significant opportunity.

The adjacent table presents a breakdown of 2017 TSP Balances.

With over 4 Million people in the program check out the size of the Federal Employee Opportunity!

They are long term investors who who average 13.6 years of savings, have relatively low turn over, and share their good experience with the coworkers in their agencies.

Does this market look like a good fit for you and your business?

We are here to help!

We’d like to help you Capture this Opportunity

Register Here For Our Webinar!

Quick and easy, our live and prerecorded webinars allow you to fully understand the resources we provide and the strategy to capturing the federal market!

August 30th

All webinars will be offered at the same times.
11am Eastern Time, 10am Central Time,
9am Mountain Time, 8am Pacific Time
If you can’t make any of these, they will be recorded and made accessible at a later date, so please don’t hesitate to register!

Then Start A Discussion About Strategy

Email info@febadvocates.com or call (720) 432-3331 to schedule a time for Founder K. Shawn McCoy or one of our other consultants to contact you and discussion the opportunity in more detail.

Founder K Shawn McCoy brings his decades of experience in the financial services industry to Federal Employee Benefits Advocates.  His passion is to ensure that our Federal Employees are provided with the knowledge and resources that will enable them optimize the value of their employment in the near term and ensure their long term comfort in retirement.

The Divorce Seminar includes numerous resources...

Take the Next Step to GROW YOUR BUSINESS!

Sign Up For Our Free Webinar

Quick and easy, our live and prerecorded webinars allow you to fully understand the resources we provide and the strategy to capturing the federal market!

March 27, 2018
All webinars will be offered at the same times.
11am Eastern Time, 10am Central Time,
9am Mountain Time, 8am Pacific Time

If you can’t make any of these, they will be recorded and made accessible at a later date, so please don’t hesitate to register!

Register for Our Classes


Our Next Course is May 30 & 31 in Parker, CO.

See More!


Start A Discussion Directly

(720) 432-3331

to schedule a time for Founder K. Shawn McCoy
or one of our other consultants
to contact you and discussion the opportunity in more detail.

Useful Links


Federal Employee Benefits Advocates is proud to partner with the Federal Employee Education and Assistance Fund.  This organization is devoted solely to providing emergency financial assistance and scholarships to our dedicated civilian federal and postal public servants and their families.  

 Fill out the form below to unlock and
watch our introductory video.


