FEBA Seminars Employee Benefit Seminars

Adding clients is essential to growing your business, yet many financial advisors struggle to effectively market themselves and their practices. With the Internet, it’s become easier for potential clients to get information. Unfortunately, the information is usually disorganized and not always correct. Although most people appreciate access to information, when it comes to making important decisions, they want help from someone they can trust.

One of the most effective ways to meet potential clients is by offering educational programs, allowing advisors to demonstrate their knowledge and develop relationships with potential clients.The Federal employees’ marketplace offers an outstanding marketing opportunity for advisors to add new clients. Federal employees have access to lots of information about employee benefits, but when it comes to understanding how their programs work, they prefer talking to someone who understands their specific needs and can help them to plan for retirement.

Our FEBA Seminars program ‘Understanding Your Federal Benefits’ includes slides, a FEBA Seminars Workbook, and our FEBA Seminars Benefits Worksheet that can be used to help Federal employees gather all of their benefits information into one convenient location. The program is available in full- and half-day formats, or can even be presented as an adult education course at a local college or university.

FEBA Seminars Slide Presentations

The FEBA Seminar program begins with a comprehensive slide presentation that a financial advisor can use to present a complete benefits briefing for Federal employees.

One package has been developed for employees of the Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS) and another package has been developed for employees of the Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS). Each package includes slides for both full- and half-day CSRS and FERS programs.

Here’s a FERS Full-Day Agenda Sample.

To acquire and use the CSRS and FERS programs, an advisor must purchase an annual license. For a Sample License Agreement, please request one by completing the form below. The license may be renewed annually at a discounted cost. Volume pricing is also available for companies that wish to purchase multiple licenses for their representatives. Please use the email link at the bottom of the page to contact us for information on annual license fees, renewal licensing, and volume pricing for you or your organization.

We recommend that every participant at your FEBA Seminars benefits briefing receive a high-quality ‘Understanding Your Federal Benefits FEBA Seminars Workbook. Program participants find our workbooks valuable in following the session and taking notes, and as a resource after the program has ended. The ‘Understanding Your Federal Benefits’ workbook contains all of the slides that you will show during the program. The workbook provides two slides per page and lines at the bottom of each page for taking notes. Whenever information on charts or tables would be too small to view on the slide, a full-page copy of the chart or table is included to make viewing the information easier. The workbook also contains samples of agency forms as well.

The full-day workbook also includes our FEBA Seminars Benefits Worksheet, which will allow you to assist participants throughout your session in gathering their employee benefits information into one convenient location. The worksheet can also save you time when employees meet with you to discuss their financial objectives. Both full- and half-day FEBA Seminars Workbooks are available, and must be ordered from Federal Employee Benefits Advocates, LLC. We print the workbooks to control the quality of the material, and to satisfy other compliance requirements. (Workbooks cannot be printed or duplicated by the adviser without violation of copyright.)


By licensing the FEBA Seminars Employee Benefits Seminar materials, you’ll be able to present programs whenever and wherever you’d like; however, some advisors prefer to bring in our instructors to present the sessions. We can provide experienced, professional speakers that will do an outstanding job of presenting at your meetings.

If you would like to use your time more effectively than conducting a full- or half-day seminar, or if you would like to take advantage of our experience in delivering this material, contact us about speaking. We can provide pricing information for your particular program. For a Sample Speaking Agreement, please request one by completing the form below.

Customized Programs

Once you’ve acquired the license to use the full- and half-day FEBA Seminars programs, you may want to break the content down further. For example, an agency may request information about the Thrift Savings Plan, or can allot only a limited time to speak to their group. Many advisors have been successful hosting ‘Lunch & Learn’ programs by presenting small portions of the program over several sessions. We can work with you to customize a workbook or other handouts to use for special requests.

We’ve worked with both advisors and agencies to produce specialized content to address current issues affecting Federal employees.

Want More Information?

If you’d like more information about our FEBA Seminars Employee Benefits Seminars or have questions on licensing, pricing, or developing specific programs for you or your firm, check out the Financial Adviser FAQs page.

Call us at (720) 432-3331. Or email us using the form below.

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watch our introductory video.


