Our Industry Leading Program gives you the ability to rapidly identify and target a large demographic of stable, well paid clients with specialty needs!

The Federal Government is the single largest employer in the United States.

FedEd Academy is an educational company based in Shreveport, LA. It was established based on the principle of advocacy, and its mission is to provide support to Federal Employees as well as educating Financial Advisors concerning the intricacies of assisting this market.

Our FedEd Academy training programs can be conducted virtually or live.  The virtual version is three, 4.5 hours sessions and the live version is two, 8 hour sessions.  The classes can be offered on demand for groups of 3 or more.  We also offer 6-8 live and virtual sessions throughout the year.

Why Work with Federal Employees?

Financial advisors and their firms interested in expanding into a rewarding niche market should know that the Federal government employs almost 2.7 million full-time, permanent civilian workers. In addition to all workers having access to the same employee benefits programs, the Office of Personnel Management’s 2014 Common Characteristics of the Federal Government report says that:

  • 85% of all Federal employees work outside of the Washington, D.C., area. The 10 states with the highest number of Federal employees are California, Virginia, Texas, Maryland, Florida, Georgia, Pennsylvania, New York, Washington, and Ohio.
  • Federal employees are paid competitively and have many types of jobs, including attorneys, physicians and law enforcement officers.
  • The Federal workforce is highly educated. More than 62% of Federal workers have associate’s, bachelor’s or post-graduate degrees, compared to 54% in the private sector.
  • The Federal workforce is diverse. Men comprise 56.5% of all Federal employees. Minorities constitute 33.4% of the workforce, with the largest members of this group being African-American (17.9%) and Hispanic (7.2%).
  • The Federal workforce is aging. Nearly 39% of Federal workers are 50 years of age or older (contrasted to about 24% in the private sector). The average Federal employee is 47 years old with 16.3 years of service, according to the Office of Personnel Management (OPM), which projects that one out of every three Federal employees will be ready to retire by 2018.

Our Fast & Easy 3 Step Process

Watch our 12 minute webinar to see if FedEd Academy is right for you?  What products can you sell and how profitable could this market be?

Schedule a quick call with use to discuss the program more.  We don’t expect you to just buy this blind!

Attend on of our virtual or in person classes to start your journey into the federal space.

Virtual classes are 3 half days and in person classes are 2 full days.  Course dates and specific are subject to occasional change.

Upcoming Opportunities

Explore a proven strategy for growing your client list while getting 12 CFP Continuing Education Credits!

We are a proud partner of the CFP Board

FedEd Academy Advisor Training Program

Our FedEd Academy Financial Advisor Training program provides financial advisors with a thorough understanding of Federal employee benefits programs, along with marketing support to help you build your presence in this niche. Our objective is to assist you with the knowledge, tools and support that you need to work effectively with Federal employees.

Classroom Training

Live classroom training can be invaluable because it provides time to ask questions and to also trade ideas with other advisors. Our FedEd Financial Advisor Training program is typically conducted over two full days in a small group setting with five to 12 advisors. Take a look at all of the content by viewing the FedEd class sample agenda. Although our program thoroughly covers both employee benefits and marketing assistance, we can also customize the program for particular groups of advisors.

The FedEd Study Guide

One to two weeks before class, you’ll receive a copy of the FedEd Study Guide, “Working with Federal Employees,” which should be reviewed before the classroom program begins. The study guide provides essential background information on the CSRS and FERS pension programs, the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP), Federal Employees Group Life Insurance (FEGLI), Federal Employee Health Benefits (FEHB), Federal Employees Dental and Vision Insurance Program (FEDVIP), Social Security, Medicare, and Disability.

By reviewing this material prior to the classroom training, you’ll be better prepared to absorb and more deeply understand the complex aspects of the Federal employee benefits programs. We recommend that you read through it twice while making notes and writing down any questions that you may want to ask during the class. View the FedEd Table of Contents on the study guide sample page.

The FedEd Classroom Workbook

During the first day of live classroom training, you’ll receive a copy of the FedEd Classroom Workbook, which is a companion to the study guide. The workbook contains copies of all the instructor’s slides, along with case studies and exercises. The format of the workbook is two slides per page, with each page adding a place for your notes. When tables or charts would be too small to be useful, full page versions are included. Copies of useful forms are also printed in the book to acquaint you with the actual forms and paperwork used by Federal employees when applying for their benefits. The FedEd Study Guide and Classroom Workbook will become valuable references for you as you begin to work with Federal employees.

FedEd Marketing Guide

Too many programs for financial advisors simply provide information without showing you how to put your newly acquired knowledge to use. The second day of our two-day training class provides ideas and information to help you develop a marketing plan for success. We use a method we’ve developed called ‘Identify, Locate, and Communicate’ to help you find agencies and employees in your geographic location. Many useful online marketing resources and tools are revealed and demonstrated. We also cover the ‘Rules of Engagement’ — how to properly conduct employee benefits briefings on Federal property.

As part of our marketing support, we also provide (with your firm’s compliance approval) a Benefits Briefing Promotional Flyer Sample for emailing and an introduction brochure for face-to-face meetings. These marketing pieces can help you create opportunities to host employee benefits briefings for a Federal agency and its employees. We’ll show you copies and demonstrate the use of these materials during the classroom training program.

Federal Gap Calculator – Software for Advisors

As mentioned above, our goal with the FedEd Advisor Training Program is to provide you with the knowledge, tools and support to become successful in this market. We believe that after you complete the program, it’s essential that you have the tools to begin assisting Federal employees.

We include a one-year license for the Federal Gap Calculator software available from Retire Ready Solutions Federal Gap Calculator. The software can perform benefits calculations and produce reports for your Federal clients and prospects. We’ve examined many software programs and found this software to be the most useful. The software has been reviewed and approved for use by representatives of many major financial services and insurance companies. (Check with Retire Ready Solutions to determine if your firm has already approved the use of the software for its representatives.) Our classroom training includes a live demonstration and provides case studies to illustrate how the software can be used. Retire Ready Solutions also offers excellent continuing support to assist advisors and can offer other financial planning software programs.

Curious for more FedEd Academy info?

Our FedEd Financial Adviser Training program provides financial advisers with a thorough understanding of Federal employee benefits programs, helps them find Federal employee and agency prospects, and offers the marketing support to help you build your clientele. We include (at no additional charge) a one-year license to the AskTrak Federal Gap Calculator software available from Retire Ready Solutions. The software can perform benefits calculations and produce reports for your Federal clients and prospects.

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